Super Novae - Geographical Areas


Present in Libya since 2021, the Super-Novae team is pursuing their core mandate: economic resilience, by integrating the most vulnerable and the most stigmatized: young veterans, foreign workers, foreign workers, women and unemployed young people.


Libya remains in a state of political flux, grappling with a fragile peace and an ongoing conflict since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. Politically, the country is divided between two rival administrations: the internationally recognized Government of National Unity in Tripoli et the State of Libya Government in the East. This division has undermined national cohesion and hampered effective governance. Security is precarious, with armed groups controlling various territories and sporadic clashes continuing to disrupt daily life. Socially speaking, Libya is facing significant challenges. Despite its vast oil wealth, the economy is struggling due to corruption, infrastructure damage, and fluctuating oil production. Unemployment and inflation are high, which exacerbates the discontent of the population. The humanitarian situation is disastrous, with many Libyans and migrants suffering from inadequate access to basic services, including health care, clean water, and education. In October 2024, eastern Libya was hit by a hurricane that caused extensive damage and plunged the population into an emergency situation, as local authorities were unable to support reconstruction and provide the necessary assistance.

What do we do

Libya is the first country where Super-Novae intervenes, since we have been present there since 2021, with a team of 15 people divided between Tripoli and Sebha. With a set of 6 ongoing projects, Super-Novae is continuing its common thread of supporting the resilience and dignity of populations by supporting the creation of economic opportunities. Whether they are young ex-combatants and their families, foreign workers or unemployed young people, Super-Novae supports them in vocational training and business creation in Tripoli, Gharyan, Misrata and Sebha. Recognizing the social barriers to employment, Super-Novae also strives to prevent the stigmatization of its particularly vulnerable target groups, by encouraging their sense of community and by supporting their mental health through sports and artistic activities. Recognizing also the lack of dynamism in the private sector and the need to diversify opportunities beyond the state and oil sectors, Super-Novae supports the agricultural sector, as well as the innovation ecosystem with two incubators created with local partners, one of which has already succeeded in raising international funds by its own means, and the other has led Gharyan University to include entrepreneurship in all its study programs. Finally, because Super-Novae was one of the few organizations to have access to the territory, we deployed an emergency medical response in Derna following Hurricane Daniel.

What's next

In Libya, Super-Novae wants to continue to diversify the economic sectors it supports, as well as its involvement with the State and the private sector, so that more incentive and inclusive policies emerge and to attract more private investments.

Our impact in figures


Trained individuals, TVET and entrepreneurship


People who received humanitarian assistance


People who received grants or equipment to start their small businesses


People from partner institutions trained

Our resources

Below you will find various resources to download, associated with our area of intervention.