Super Novae - Geographical Areas


Active in Yemen with a dedicated field team since 2022, Super Novae is implementing the second phase of its “BIDAYA” project with the support of the French government, contributing to the development of the innovation ecosystem and the diversification of economic opportunities for young people, and supporting alternatives to engagement in conflict.


After nine years of war, Yemen remains one of the world's most severe humanitarian crises. The still ongoing hostilities have led to widespread displacement, with over 4.5 million individuals forced to flee their homes. An estimated population of the population—21.6 million people—are in dire need of humanitarian assistance and protection services, including 24 million women and children. The country ranks among the most food-insecure globally, with half of its population living in poverty, without access to safe water. The conflict has also significantly disrupted essential services, leaving only 50% of hospitals fully or partially functioning. Moreover, the blockade of key ports has restricted essential supplies, with limited aid arriving through Aden, impeding healthcare, sanitation, and food security. After nine years of conflict that have pushed Yemen to the brink of economic collapse and shrunk the economy by more than half, rampant inflation and few livelihood opportunities mean many can no longer afford basic meals, facing heightened risks of starvation, gender-based violence, exploitation, and early marriage. Although reduced conflict since April 2022 has brought fewer casualties and some relief, the situation remains fragile without a sustainable political settlement.

What do we do

Since October 2022, Super-Novae intervenes in Yemen with the support of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.. Super-Novae is committed to maintaining economic growth and supporting Yemen's socioeconomic development by providing tailored professional training and job matching in key sectors. Through this program, Super-Novae established the first incubators in Aden (“SANDBOX” in partnership with the Medalah Foundation) and Taizz (Taiz Business Incubator, in partnership with HADEF) to assist young people in starting their own businesses. Additionally, it established a 3D Lab named “L'Atelier” to enable youth to enhance the local market by developing typically imported products. Thanks to its dedication to economic resilience and connection with the real needs of beneficiaries, Super-Novae has received a request from the Yemeni Ministry of Trade to establish a Governmental Entrepreneurship Support Unit. Super-Novae is on the verge of launching a project with the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) funded by Aliph, on the preservation of written cultural heritage. Super-Novae will provide a set of activities to encourage youth interest in cultural preservation jobs.

What's next

Super-Novae wants to extend the BIDAYA project on entrepreneurship with more incubators, more economic sectors covered and more integrated target groups, wants its 3D laboratory to become an innovation center, and wants to improve access to finance for MSMEs and Yemeni start-ups.

Our impact in figures


Young Men and Women Supported (TVET) to access the job market


Individus formés à l'entrepreneuriat


Premiers incubateurs à Aden et Taiz


% Participants Generating Revenues With Their New Business

Our resources

Below you will find various resources to download, associated with our area of intervention.